Podcast: Knit-a-Square

Knit-a-Square is an organisation that was created to provide hand-knitted blankets to vulnerable and orphaned children in South Africa. I became involved as a volunteer in 2017 and have enjoyed reporting on events at "the barn" [the headquarters of KAS in Johannesburg] every fortnight since then in my blog entitled "That Warm Fuzzy Feeling.

At the end of 2019 I was ready to start a podcast and it made sense to feature the work of Knit-a-Square. Passion for the project spurred me on to learn all about podcasting, editing and recording content. The result is what I believe to be a really lovely podcast for knitters and crocheters around the world. Not only does it allow the volunteers on the ground to share what they are doing in a more immediate way, but it gives our faithful members an opportunity to learn more about what happens with all the squares, beanies, hand-warmers and soft toys they send. Listen to the latest episode below and visit the knit-a-Square website at www.knit-a-square.com to find out more about how to get involved, wherever you are in the world.

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