Fiction: Jozi Gold

On the eve of the 2010 Soccer World Cup in South Africa, Jeannie Parker welcomes her sister from Australia, expecting that they will soak up the pre-event atmosphere, eat delicious food around the braai and sip crisp Cape wines on the patio.

But Karen's shrewd eye picks up that Jeannie's handsome husband Craig has a secret. When Jeannie spots him with a beautiful woman much younger than herself, the game is on.

Written in a crisp, energetic style, this novel captures the strong pulse of Johannesburg city life and portrays a woman who, after making many sacrifices in the interests of her family, won't be cheated out of the good life she knows she deserves.

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"I found the book fascinating, especially the punchy paragraph style, the character development and the positive air to the environment and to the fate of the characters." Sue

"On a recent rainy Tuesday I snuggled under the duvet to a most enjoyable read. I thoroughly enjoyed the backdrop, I had been caught up in the soccer, the Gautrain development and unfortunately Joburg crime! I loved every minute and read it from cover to cover, only stopping to top up my tea." Jocelyn

"I loved your book. I stayed up till all hours because I wanted to finish it. Your characters are delicious and your writing is crisp, descriptive and energetic! I wish you many thousands of sales!
I don’t hold it against you…. but please could you hurry up and publish your next book! I could do with another dose of your novel writing.
" Veruska

Refining the art of conversation from lessons learnt in lockdown

This morning I remembered a pet peeve of mine from university days. I think it was provoked by my reading of Pride and Prejudice in English ...